Package bexee.model

Java representation of the BPEL language.


Interface Summary
AttributeNames This is an interface with attribute names.
BPELElement This interface is a superinterface for all BPEL elements and activities.
BPELElementVisitor This is a Visitor interface for BPEL process traversal.

Class Summary
AbstractBPELElementVisitor This is a default BPELElementVisitor which provides empty implementations of all visit(BPELElement) methods.
AtomicActivityVisitor This is an abstact visitor which should be used as a superclass for all visitors which wish to visit basic activities only.
BPELProcessFactory Abstract class for creating BPELProcessFactory implementations.
BPELProcessFactoryImpl This is a factory class used for the creation of object representations of BPEL processes.
FindCreateReceivesVisitor This implementation of a BPELElementVisitor allows finding all Receive activities in a BPEL process with "createInstance=yes" attribute, i.e. all Receives which can cause the creation of a process instance.
IsSynchronousProcessVisitor This implementation of a BPELElementVisitor is used to discover whether a BPELProcess is synchronous or not.
StandardAttributes This class represents BPEL element standard attributes.

Exception Summary
BPELDocumentException This exception class is used to signalize that a BPEL document is not valid.
InvalidValueException This Exception is used to signalize that a Value is invalid.

Package bexee.model Description

Java representation of the BPEL language.

Last modified: $Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2004/12/15 14:18:10 $

Copyright © 2004 Berne University of Applied Sciences. All Rights Reserved.