
This document provides an overview of documents describing the architecture of the bexee system and engine

System Architecture Provides an overview of the bexee system architecture
Engine Architecture Structure overview and responsibilities of core classes
Package Dependencies Package Dependencies in bexee

Document history

30.10.2004fornp1document creation
30.10.2004fornp1Engine Architecture added
19.11.2004fornp1System Architecture added
22.11.2004kowapAdded Package Dependencies
29.11.2004kowapDeplyment description added
30.11.2004fornp1Persistence section worked out in more detail
30.11.2004fornp1Deployment section worked out in more detail
07.12.2004fornp1Engine Architecture updated
08.12.2004fornp1System Architecture reviewed and updated
08.12.2004fornp1Execution Flow section added
08.12.2004fornp1Deployment Flow illustration and text added

$Id: index.xml,v 1.1 2004/12/15 14:18:20 patforna Exp $