Uses of Interface

Packages that use AttributeNames
bexee.model Java representation of the BPEL language. 
bexee.model.activity This package contains all interfaces representing BPEL activities as specified in the bpel4ws.xsd XML Schema.  
bexee.model.activity.impl This package contains default implementations of the interfaces from the bexee.model.activity package. 
bexee.model.elements This package contains all interfaces representing BPEL elements as specified in the bpel4ws.xsd XML Schema.  
bexee.model.elements.impl This package contains default implementations of the interfaces from the bexee.model.elements package. 
bexee.model.process This package contains interface which are used in order to represent a BPEL process.  
bexee.model.process.impl This package contains default implementations for the bexee.model.process package. 
bexee.model.xmltobpel This package contains BPEL process element and activity factories used by the Digester

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model

Subinterfaces of AttributeNames in bexee.model
 interface BPELElement
          This interface is a superinterface for all BPEL elements and activities.

Classes in bexee.model that implement AttributeNames
 class StandardAttributes
          This class represents BPEL element standard attributes.

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model.activity

Subinterfaces of AttributeNames in bexee.model.activity
 interface Activity
          This interface represents a BPEL activity.
 interface Assign
          Representation of a BPEL Assign activity.
 interface CatchAll
          Representation of a Catch BPEL element.
 interface Compensate
          Representation of a Compensate BPEL element.
 interface CompensationHandler
          Representation of a CompensationHandler BPEL element.
 interface Empty
          Representation of a BPEL Empy activity.
 interface Flow
          Representation of a BPEL Flow activity.
 interface Invoke
          Representation of a BPEL Invoke activity.
 interface Pick
          Representation of a BPEL Pick activity.
 interface Receive
          Representation of a BPEL Receive activity.
 interface Reply
          Representation of a BPEL Reply activity.
 interface Scope
          A scope structured activity.
 interface Sequence
          A sequence structured activity.
 interface Switch
          This is a structured switch activity.
 interface Terminate
          This activity will terminate a process when called.
 interface Throw
          This throw activity will throw a fault when called.
 interface Wait
          Representation of a BPEL Wait activity.
 interface While
          Representation of a BPEL While activity.

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model.activity.impl

Classes in bexee.model.activity.impl that implement AttributeNames
 class AbstractActivity
          This is an abstract class to be used by all BPEL Activity implementations.
 class AssignImpl
          This is a default implementation of the Assign activity.
 class CompensateImpl
          Default implementation of the Compensate BPEL activity.
 class EmptyImpl
          Default implementation of the Empty activity.
 class FlowImpl
          Default implementation of the Flow activity.
 class InvokeImpl
          Default implementation of the Invoke activity.
 class ReceiveImpl
          Default implementation of the Receive activity.
 class ReplyImpl
          Default implementation of the Reply activity.
 class ScopeImpl
          Default implementation of the Scope activity.
 class SequenceImpl
          Default implementation of the Sequence activity.
 class SwitchImpl
          This is a default implementation of the Swich activity interface.
 class TerminateImpl
          Default implementation of the Terminate activity.
 class ThrowImpl
          Default implementation of the Throw activity.

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model.elements

Subinterfaces of AttributeNames in bexee.model.elements
 interface Copy
          Representation of the Copy BPEL element.
 interface Correlation
          Representation of the Correlation BPEL element.
 interface CorrelationPattern
          Representation of the CorrelationPattern BPEL element.
 interface Correlations
          Representation of the Correlations BPEL element.
 interface CorrelationSets
          Representation of the CorrelationSets BPEL element.
 interface Link
          Representation of the Link BPEL element.
 interface Links
          Representation of the Links BPEL element.
 interface PartnerLink
          Representation of the PartnerLink BPEL element.
 interface PartnerLinks
          Representation of the PartnerLinks BPEL element.
 interface Partners
          Representation of the Partners BPEL element.
 interface Variable
          Representation of the Variable BPEL element.
 interface Variables
          Representation of the Variables BPEL element.

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model.elements.impl

Classes in bexee.model.elements.impl that implement AttributeNames
 class CopyImpl
          Default implementation of the Copy BPEL element.
 class CorrelationImpl
          Default implementation of the Correlation BPEL element.
 class CorrelationPatternImpl
          Default implementation of the CorrelationPattern BPEL element.
 class LinkImpl
          Default implementation of the Link BPEL element.
 class PartnerLinkImpl
          Default implementation of the PartnerLink BPEL element.
 class PartnerLinksImpl
          Default implementation of the PartnerLinks BPEL element.
 class VariableImpl
          Default implementation of the Variable BPEL element.
 class VariablesImpl
          Default implementation of the Variables BPEL element.

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model.process

Subinterfaces of AttributeNames in bexee.model.process
 interface Process
          This is a representation of a BPEL process element from a BPEL document.

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model.process.impl

Classes in bexee.model.process.impl that implement AttributeNames
 class ProcessImpl
          A default implementation of a Process.

Uses of AttributeNames in bexee.model.xmltobpel

Classes in bexee.model.xmltobpel that implement AttributeNames
 class AbstractObjectCreationFactory
          This class should be used as superclass by all classes wishing to transform BPEL xml elements into corresponding objects.
 class AssignImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Assign activities from a BPEL document into AssignImpl objects.
 class BpelCaseImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Switch Case elements from a BPEL document into BpelCaseImpl objects.
 class CorrelationsImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Correlations elements from a BPEL document into CorrelationImpl objects.
 class FromImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of From elements from a BPEL document into FromImpl objects.
 class InvokeImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Invoke activities from a BPEL document into InvokeImpl objects.
 class PartnerLinkImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of PartnerLink elements from a BPEL document into PartnerLinkImpl objects.
 class ProcessImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of a process from a BPEL document into a ProcessImpl object.
 class ReceiveImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Receive activities from a BPEL document into ReceiveImpl objects.
 class ReplyImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Reply activities from a BPEL document into ReplyImpl objects.
 class SwitchImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Switch activities from a BPEL document into SwitchImpl objects.
 class ToImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of To elements from a BPEL document into ToImpl objects.
 class VariableImplFactory
          This class is used by the Digester for the transformation of Variable elements from a BPEL document into VariableImpl objects.

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