Solution Description

This document provides an overview of documents describing how a number of different problems are approached within the bexee engine.

Sequence Diagrams Detailed description of how bexee functions
Process Modelling BPEL Process modelling within bexee
XML-OO Mapping Internal BPEL document to objecs mapping
Persistence BPEL process and process context Persistence
Deployment Deplyment of new BPEL processes

Document history

30.10.2004fornp1document creation
04.11.2004fornp1Dispatching incoming messages section added in Sequence Diagrams
05.11.2004fornp1Example added in Sequence Diagrams
05.11.2004kowapProcess modelling description and illustrations added
18.11.2004kowapXML-OO mapping description added
22.11.2004kowapPersistence description added
29.11.2004kowapDeplyment description added
30.11.2004fornp1Persistence section worked out in more detail
30.11.2004fornp1Deployment section worked out in more detail

$Id: solution.xml,v 1.14 2004/12/01 08:11:10 fornp1 Exp $