Use Cases

  1. Actors and Their Roles
  2. bexee Business Process users
  3. bexee Business Process deployers
  4. bexee Business Process administrators
  5. bexee administrators

Actors and Their Roles

The bexee actors can be grouped into three different groups:

  • bexee Business Process users The users which may use deployed Business Processes. Those users trigger the instantiation of a Business Processes by calling a start activity of a process, i.e. invoking the service.

    In the following sections, those actors will be called bexee users.
  • bexee Business Process deployers Before a Business Process can be instantiated, its blueprint must be deployed. .

    In the following sections, the actors responsible for deployment will be called bexee deployers.
  • bexee Business Process administrators It must be possible to manage (start, suspend, restart, stop, delete, etc.) running instances of Business Processes. In the following sections, the actors responsible for deployment will be called bexee process admins.

    Functionality related with these actors will not be implemented within the scope of this diploma project.

  • bexee administrators The bexee BPEL Execution Engine must be configurable and manageable by bexee users and bexee deployers, who are the actors responsible for these tasks.

    In the following sections, those actors will be named bexee admins

    Functionality related with these actors will not be implemented within the scope of this diploma project.

bexee Business Process users

Use Cases description:

Execute a Business Process
  • Actor: bexee user
  • Precondition: The Business Process is deployed and activated.
  • Trigger: A bexee user triggered the instantiation of a Business Process. This happens by invoking an activity of the Business Process (e.g. Pick) which starts a new instance of the process. Such an activity is visible to the user as a Web Service.
  • Action: The system creates a new instance of a Business Process and runs it.
  • Postcondition: A new instance of a Business Process has been created and run.
Get available Business Processes (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee user
  • Precondition: Some Business Processes have been deployed and activated by a bexee deployer .
  • Trigger: A list with Business Processes is requested by a bexee user .
  • Action: The system retrieves a list of all available and activated Business Processes and renders it.
  • Postcondition: The bexee user has obtained a list of all available and activated Business Processes.
  • Variation 1: No Business Processes are available and activated.
  • Postcondition: The bexee user receives an empty list of Business Processes.
Get the BPEL document for a Business Process (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee user
  • Precondition: A Business Process for which the BPEL document has been requested has been deployed and activated.
  • Trigger: A bexee user requests the BPEL document for an available Business Process.
  • Action: The system retrieves the BPEL document for the Business Process and returns it to the bexee user .
  • Postcondition: The bexee user has obtained the BPEL document of the Business Process.
Get the WSDL document for a Business Process (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee user
  • Precondition: A Business Process for which its WSDL document has been requested has been deployed and activated.
  • Trigger: A bexee user requests the WSDL document for an available Business Process.
  • Action: The system retrieves the WSDL document for the Business Process and returns it to the bexee user .
  • Postcondition: The bexee user has obtained the WSDL document for the Business Process.
Check Business Process state (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee user
  • Precondition: An instance of a Business Process has been created.
  • Trigger: A bexee user requests information about the state of the Business Process instance. Within such a request, the user gives a unique identification, which will uniquely identify the process instance.
  • Action: The system retrieves the state of the uniquely identified Business Process instance.
  • Postcondition: The bexee user has obtained the information about the state of the Business Process instance.

bexee Business Process deployers

Use Cases description:

Deploy a Business Process blueprint
  • Actor: bexee business process deployer
  • Precondition: A version of a Business Process has not yet been deployed.
  • Trigger: A bexee deployer requests the deployment of a Business Process in the system. The Business Process is described by a BPEL document.
  • Action: The Business Process is validated and deployed to the system.
  • Postcondition: The Business Process has been deployed. The bexee deployer received a deployment confirmation
  • Variation 1: The corresponding BPEL document of a Business Process is not valid.
  • Postcondition: The Business Process has not been deployed. The bexee deployer has received an error message.
Remove a Business Process
  • Actor: bexee business process deployer
  • Precondition: A Business Process has been deployed.
  • Trigger: A bexee deployer requests the removal of a Business Process.
  • Action: The Business Process is removed from the system.
  • Postcondition: The Business Process has been removed from the system. Removed Business Processes can not be instantiated any more. Running instances of removed processes are allowed to continue until termination.
Get a list of deployed Business Processes (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee business process deployer
  • Precondition: Some Business Processes have been deployed.
  • Trigger: A list with Business Processes is requested by a bexee deployer .
  • Action: The system retrieves a list of all available Business Processes and renders it.
  • Postcondition: The bexee deployer has obtained a list of all available Business Processes.
  • Variation 1: No Business Processes are available.
  • Postcondition: The bexee deployer has received an empty list of Business Processes.
Get the BPEL document for a Business Process (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee business process deployer
  • Precondition: The Business Process for which the BPEL document has been requested has been deployed.
  • Trigger: A bexee deployer requests the BPEL document for an available Business Process.
  • Action: The system retrieves the BPEL document of a Business Process and returns it to the bexee deployer .
  • Postcondition: The bexee deployer has obtained the BPEL document of a Business Process.
Deploy a new version of a Business Process (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee business process deployer
  • Precondition: A previous version of a Business Process has been deployed.
  • Trigger: A bexee deployer requests the deployment of a new version of a Business Process in the system.
  • Action: A new version of a Business Process is being validated and deployed to the system.
  • Postcondition: The new version of a Business Process has been deployed.

    The bexee deployer has received a deployment confirmation.
  • Variation 1: The corresponding BPEL document of a new version of a Business Process is not valid.
  • Postcondition: The new version of a Business Process has not been deployed. The bexee deployer has received an error message.
Activate/deactivate a Business Process (not implemented in the scope of the diploma project)
  • Actor: bexee business process deployer
  • Precondition: A Business Process has been successfully deployed.
  • Trigger: A bexee deployer requests the activation/deactivation of a Business Process.
  • Action: The Business Process is activated/deactivated.
  • Postcondition: The Business Process has been activated/deactivated. Deactivated Business Process can not be instantiated any more. Running instances of deactivated processes are allowed to continue until termination.

bexee Business Process administrators

Use Cases description:

manage running processes

The bexee process admin s can start, stop, suspend, resume, and delete running Business Process instances.

manage Business Processes

The bexee process admin s can activate, deactivate, and delete Business Processes.

bexee administrators

Use Cases description:

Start/stop/restart bexee

The bexee administrator can start, stop and restart the bexee system.

Configure bexee

The administrator can configure the bexee system.

Manage bexee users

Create, delete update bexee user s

Manage bexee deployers

Create, delete update bexee deployer s

Manage bexee process admins

Create, delete update bexee admin s

Manage bexee admins

Create, delete update bexee admin s