Risk Considerations

Based on the project activities this section tries to track down some of the risk that might endanger a timely completion of the project.

Third-Party Software Integration

Unforeseen problems with integrating third-party software into the bexee environment could cause major delays in the project.

Because of the very short project time, bexee heavily relies on third-party software, most importantly Apache Axis [Axis].

Thus difficulties integrating such software into bexee will immediately result in a project delay, as we have absolutely no margin to compensate such an occurance.


None of the team members has a lot of the experience in carrying out a project of this size.

We know that our project timeline is rather aggressive and are aware that there is no buffer for unforeseen difficulties.

The only buffer there is to compensate for such difficulties is a reduction and limitation of bexee's functionality and features.


We are dealing with a project that includes cutting-edge technologies and are aware that there is still a number of unsolved issues. This applies to the project team but also to the whole Web Service community.

We know that our project timeline is rather aggressive and are aware that there is no buffer for unforeseen difficulties.

The only buffer there is to compensate for such difficulties is a reduction and limitation of bexee's functionality and features.



  • Cons: Consequences (+++ severe ++ medium + low)
  • Prob: Probability (+++ high ++ medium + low)